Big Rocks, Little Rocks, Sand


Photographed in a canyon near the tiny town of Bluff, Utah.


Geologists have a saying – rocks remember.
—Neil Armstrong


“Out Of The Office”

Until early October I’m trading the tidy confines of my office-cum-spare bedroom for the expansive elbow room of the desert Southwest. If plans (and weather) hold up, my friend Ulrich Rossmann and I will experience new-to-us locations in several states, including New Mexico, which until now has always been a bit too far away.

Here’s a rocky duo from northern Arizona from 2012, and a wish that autumn arrives with gentle hands.

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I search for surprise in my architecture. A work of art should cause the emotion of newness. —Oscar Niemeyer


Keys? Bowling? Tires? Time?

The answer is, none of the above. When I hear the word spare I think of simple, strong designs, of landscapes I’ve visited, and there’s nowhere more spare…sparse…than the desert.

October Light

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Every season offers special delights, none more so than Autumn.

My favorite color is October. —unknown

October is a hallelujah! —John Nichols

Rockin’ Into March

Vehicle tracks in slushy snow on a gravel road.

As fog and rain returns to the Willamette Valley, my mind wanders back to sunnier days in Nevada.

“My marriage is on the rocks again, yeah, my wife
just broke up with her boyfriend.” —Rodney Dangerfield

Dawn’s Early Light

Vehicle tracks in slushy snow on a gravel road.

“Learning how to be still, to really be still and let
life happen—that stillness becomes a radiance.”
—Morgan Freeman